Book With Confidence Guarantee

Our Book With Confidence Guarantee is your reassurance that your trip will be protected should the following occur:

  • The FCDO or DfE advise against travelling to your destination
  • Quarantine restrictions are imposed either in your destination or on return to the UK

You can request a full refund if you need to cancel your trip within 21 days of departure due to any of the following situations:

  • FCDO advise against travel to your destination, or a country you have to travel through to reach your destination.
  • Local or national lockdown restrictions prevent your group’s departure.
  • Local restrictions in the destination impact the primary purpose of your tour, e.g. if the ski resort is closed due to local restrictions and the primary purpose of your trip was to race in this ski resort.

A full refund will be payable up to 60 days after the date of scheduled departure to allow us to obtain refunds from suppliers, such as airlines and accommodation providers.

Please note that if you choose to cancel your trip more than 21 days prior to departure, this will be subject to our normal terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions

  • 100% refund applies only if your school/college/RPA government-backed indemnity insurance will not cover your claim.
  • 100% refund only applies when the deposit payment schedule has been adhered to.
  • 100% refund only applies to group cancellation, standard terms and conditions apply to individual passengers dropping out.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our Book With Confidence Guarantee or need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us, as we’ll be very pleased to help.